These docs are for v3.5. Click to read the latest docs for v5.0.


Commonly used Handlebar Tokens


{{Name}} Name of a property in your schema
{{@index}} Index of the Item inside an {{#each Items}} list
{{@first}} is the item the first item inside an {{#each Items}} list
{{@last}} is the item the last item inside an {{#each Items}} list
{{Context.ModuleId}} Current Module ID
{{Context.ModuleTitle}} Current Modules Title
{{Context.PortalId }} Current Portal ID
{{Settings.Name}} Reference to a setting

{{../Name}: Name of a property one level up the tree (you use this when you want to address a "root" property when inside a list of Items using {{#each Items}}

{{}} Reference to a property in your Schema

Serverside Handlebars Helpers

HelperBlock HelperparametersOutputExample
equalYes2 strings{{#equal Title "Text"}}
multiplyNo2 numbersnumber{{multiply SettingsColumns 2}}
divideNo2 numbersnumber{{divide SettingsColumns 2}}
addNo2 numbersnumber{{add @index 1}}
substractNo2 numbersnumber{{substract Settings.Columns 1}}
registerscriptNojavascript fileNothing{{registerscript "js/script.js"}}
registerstylesheetNocss fileNothing{{registerstylesheet "css/style.css"}}
arraytranslateNo format , culture (or invariant)string format , culture (or invariant)string{{formatDateTime DateField "dd/MMM/yy" "nl-NL" }}
ifandYesmultiple variables to check{{#ifand Title Summary}}
iforYesmultiple variables to check{{#ifor Title Summary}}
convertHtmlToTextNotextstring{{convertHtmlToText Description}}
(from version 3.1.2)
Notext, maxCharacters, trailingTextstring{{truncateWords Description 50 "..."}}
(from version 3.2)
Noany variablestring{{convertToJson article}}

Clientside Handlebars Helpers

Need to be added by yourself to to a javascript file. More info

Most of the times, only used in item template of multi document templates like articles.

if (typeof Handlebars != 'undefined') { Handlebars.registerHelper('formatDateTime', function (context, format) { if (window.moment && context && moment(context).isValid()) { var f = format || "DD/MM/YYYY"; return moment(context).format(f); } else { return context; // moment plugin is not available, context does not have a truthy value, or context is not a valid date } }); }