Multi language
Each field can be defined as a multi language field by using a specific field type in the options layout file.
Multi language fields are marked with the flag image.
Edit form
Available field types
- Multi lingual Text : mltext
- Multi lingual CKeditor : mlckeditor
- Multi lingual wysihtml : mlwysihtml
- Multi lingual url : mlurl
- Multi lingual Image : mlimage
- Multi lingual File : mlfile
"Title": {
"Summary": {
Localization of templates
- Add your translations in localization files (Edit Template Files)
"key1":"texte 1 in french",
"key2":"texte 2 in french"
"key1":"texte 1 in dutch",
"key2":"texte 2 in dutch"
- Add the texts to your template
The localization variable is on the root. So if you localize text in a each.
Don't forget to get the variable of the parent context {{..//Localization.key1}}
Updated less than a minute ago