These docs are for v3.5. Click to read the latest docs for v5.0.

Search, Filter and Sort

Search, Filter, Sort in Open Content

OpenContent data, more specifically multi-item data, can be filtered, sorted or searched.

This feature is based on

This feature needs to be activated by adding the "index: true" in the Manifest.

Once activated the module data will be indexed.
Lucene index is stored in /APP_Data/OpenContent/lucene_index
Tools to analyse lucene index : Luke

After activation, a new menu item "Filter Settings" will be available. Here you can configure how the data should be filtered, search and sorted prior to being made available to the template (via the Model in razor template or via json through webapi).
In the Filter Setting, there is also a button to rebuild the index for the data of that module.

DNN Search integration

Information on DNN Search integration DNN search integration

Manual inline drag and drop sorting

You can add drag and drop sorting of items to your template.
More info here