These docs are for v3.5. Click to read the latest docs for v5.0.

JPList tips

How to improve the JPList textbox search experience?

When using a JPList textbox searchbox we advise you to improve the autocomplete experience by following these steps:

  1. Add data-event-name="keydelay" attribute to input tag
  2. Add "textfilter" class to input tag
  3. Load the example javascript, on document ready, that you find here
<input data-path=".title" class="form-control textfilter" type="text" value="" placeholder="Filter by Title" data-control-type="textbox" data-control-name="Title" data-control-action="filter" data-event-name="keydelay" />
var isTyping = false; var typingHandler = null; var $textfilter = $(".textfilter", this); $textfilter.on('input', function(context){ if (isTyping) { window.clearTimeout(typingHandler); } else { isTyping = true; } typingHandler = window.setTimeout(function () { isTyping = false; $textfilter.trigger("keydelay"); }, 1000); });