These docs are for v3.5. Click to read the latest docs for v5.0.

DNN search integration

Search results customization

There are 4 settings you can addto the manifest.json specific for DNN search :

  • dnnSearch,
  • dnnSearchTitle,
  • dnnSearchDescription,
  • dnnSearchText

You add these to the "Main" template.


By default Open Content is not indexed in DNN.
To activate indexing, set dnnSearch to true in the manifest


With this attribute you can set what Text will be passed to DNN search crawler as the Title.


With this attribute you can set what Text will be passed to DNN search crawler as the Description.


With this attribute you can set what Text will be passed to DNN search crawler as the Main Text.

  • When you change the search settings of your template, you mostly have to go to the "Filer" settings and click [Re-index Module].
{ "index": true, "templates": { "list": { "type": "multiple", "title": "List", "main": { "template": "list.hbs", "dnnsearch": true, "dnnSearchTitle": "{{Title}}", "dnnSearchDescription": "Article: {{Summary}}", "dnnSearchText": "{{Text}}" }, "detail": { "template": "detail.hbs", } } } }

Also see Manifest for exact usage and examples.