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How to Add Categories to Existing Template

How does one add categories to a template that already exists? This template was originally created based on the Bootstrap 3 template. We want to know how to add Categories to this where they can be maintained using the actions menu.

Using localization in jQuery functions

Hi, is it possible to use localization in jQuery functions? Example: I have a localization file (localization.de-at.json): { "ExpandAll":"Alle ausklappen", "CollapseAll":"Alle einklappen" } I want to use the dnnExpandAll jQuery plugin like this: $("#DemoPanel .dnnFormExpandContent a").dnnExpandAll({ targetArea: "#DemoPanel", expandText: "{{Localization.ExpandAll}}", collapseText: "{{Localization..CollapseAll}}" }); But this does not work. How do I achieve this?

Display localized optionValues instead of enum in Handlebars

Sorry for being a bit tiresome atm (I am trying to learn...), but here is my next question: I have the following lines in my schema.json to define a field (Category): "Category": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Telephone", "Fax", "Mobile" ], "title": "Category" }, options.json: "Category": { "type": "select", "optionLabels": [ "Telephone", "Fax", "Mobile" ], "title": "Category" }, options.de-AT.json: "Category": { "type": "select", "optionLabels": [ "Telefon", "Fax", "Mobiltelefon" ], "title": "Kategorie" }, template.hbs: <p>{{Category}}</p> When editing the items, everything works fine, except the labels in the edit form are not localized ("Category" instead of "Kategorie") - the values in the dropdown list are in the correct language. In the view, the values are displayed in English ("Telephone" instead of "Telefon"). How can I display the localized strings in the view? And how can I display the labels in the correct language?

Longitude and latitude

Hi Sacha, The longitude and latitude are defined in the Address lookup. However when I click on the Geocode Address link the values are written like so: 51.9218244. When I edit, the value is turned into this: 51,9218244.... that value doesn't work in Google...

Character limit when inputting text

Get this question more then once: is it possible to limit the amount of characters of a text area field when administrating a OC module? Of course I can use the truncateWords functionality in the template but the editors of the module (not always admins) must be made aware of their actions on the back-end... I'm curious how this is done before. What are the options?

Including subtemplates and external DNN modules

Hi folks, We've been experimenting with using OpenContent for a DNN implementation and we definitely like what we see. One question that has come up, however, is whether it is possible to build an OpenContent template that can integrate existing DNN modules (the Events module, for example). For that matter, is it possible to integrate existing OpenContent templates as sub-templates for a larger OpenContent module? Thanks and keep up the great work, Mick

How to use data from other template

What are the steps to use the data from an existing template in a new template? The idea here is that both templates would continue to use the same data source moving forward. One template would manage data for both templates.

Open Content 4.7 CKEditor File Upload

We are using the CKEditor in our templates and would like to enable file upload. Typically, in an HTML module using CKEditor, you can open the link dialog and there is a tab for Upload and button for Browse. I am not sure how to tell the configset to use the default upload and brose functionality. I was able to get the advanced tab to show up, but that does not have the upload functionality we are looking for.

CKeditor - Enhanced Image Plugin

Hi, I would like to have the Enhanced Image Plugin added to the ckeditor. Any idea how? https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/examples/image2.html Also for the image output, can we output the full URL?

Can I list files from a DNN folder provider?

Hello, Can I use OpenContent to return a list of files in a folder (in DNN)? Could this be done with a custom External Datasource? Is OpenContent the wrong tool for this job? e.g. We upload some documents to a SecureFolder in DNN. Point OpenContent at the folder and output those documents to the screen using a custom template. Thanks, Olly.