Character limit when inputting text
Get this question more then once: is it possible to limit the amount of characters of a text area field when administrating a OC module? Of course I can use the truncateWords functionality in the template but the editors of the module (not always admins) must be made aware of their actions on the back-end...
I'm curious how this is done before. What are the options?
I think Alpaca has an options for this, but I never tried it TBH.
You can do it by editing manually the optons.json. (and disabling the formbyulder by deleting builder.json file)
And add maxLength.
More info at : http://www.alpacajs.org/docs/fields/textarea.html
Tnx guys. I always hate to loose the form builder, but this works.
I added maxLength as a property to schema.json, and added constrainMaxLength: true and showMaxLengthIndicator: true to options.json, so the editors get informed how many characters are left for them to input.
Tnx again!
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