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How much does non-owner car insurance cost?


Open Content Module Does Not Always Display on Page

Hi, We use the open content module pretty much on all of our pages but recently this year we have had an issue with the module loading on the page. Sometimes it shows and sometimes it does not. Sometimes a page refresh will display the content but not all the time. What could be causing the issue and what can we do to fix it? Thanks!

Module deleted not found in Recycle Bin

Any idea how to recover the deleted module?

Edit Form Set Focus

Is it possible to set the focus of the first field in the form that people use to add/edit items in a template?

/API/OpenContent/DnnEntitiesAPI/UsersLookup throws 500 error

When clicking on Add or Edit on an item, I get a blank page without a text editor and this error in the console.

OpenContent templates for Porto error

When using the OpenContent templates for Porto on a Dnn v9.11.0 instance, I get the following error: "An error occurred while trying to save the Porto-Accordion file. Contact your hosting provider to ensure the appropriate security settings have been enabled on the server".
An error is displayed in the view, but no related errors were logged in the admin logs or Log4NET log file.
Has anyone had this type of error before?

Checkbox default set to checked

I'd like to use a checkox, "type": "checkbox", and have the default value to be checked. How could I do that?

Get data from external select2 field

I'd like to call all the options from an external select2 field.

Open Content 4.7 CKEditor File Upload

We are using the CKEditor in our templates and would like to enable file upload. Typically, in an HTML module using CKEditor, you can open the link dialog and there is a tab for Upload and button for Browse. I am not sure how to tell the configset to use the default upload and brose functionality. I was able to get the advanced tab to show up, but that does not have the upload functionality we are looking for.

Display localized optionValues instead of enum in Handlebars

Sorry for being a bit tiresome atm (I am trying to learn...), but here is my next question: