How to Add Categories to Existing Template
How does one add categories to a template that already exists?
This template was originally created based on the Bootstrap 3 template. We want to know how to add Categories to this where they can be maintained using the actions menu.
Not sure i understand well the question.
To add a category to the articles template for exemple , you find in the module action menu Categories and there you can click plus sign to add new categories.
I updated the question to hopefully be more clear. :)
Categories like in the articles templates is additional data.
It is defined in the manifest.
One's you create a item in the additionalData of the manifest, it will automatically appaers in the module actions and the data will be available in your template.
After that if you want to use in in the main data, you need to create relational field with the same key.
Maybe you dont have a manifest.json already. Then you need to create one that fit your template files.
For more info : https://opencontent.readme.io/docs/manifest
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