Cannot add class to link
How can I add a class to a hyperlink?
Calling label from dropdown
Is there a way to call the label (and not the value) of a dropdown option?
Something like {{field:label}}?
ckeditor issues
Because of wcag-related issues, we regularly need to modify the way the ck-editor is used. In the Text/HTML modules the portal settings for the editor are used. We use this in combination with an extra config file.
Character limit when inputting text
Get this question more then once: is it possible to limit the amount of characters of a text area field when administrating a OC module? Of course I can use the truncateWords functionality in the template but the editors of the module (not always admins) must be made aware of their actions on the back-end...
How to Filter Each Array
How would I only show content that matches a specific setting?
How to use data from other template
What are the steps to use the data from an existing template in a new template?
How to Add Categories to Existing Template
How does one add categories to a template that already exists?
How to Filter by Multiple Values
In the default Classifieds example, we're able to filter the list by the ".title" field. How can we filter by multiple fields? For example, how can we filter by title AND description?
Getting json from another OC module to display in template
We are currently using a Select2 in "OC module A" to get data from "OC module B" (which is a list of items on another tab) and store the id.
Clarity on fetching data from other OC Modules
I have a hidden page called Management and have an OC module (multi items) with a list of client names with some basic attributes. My data looks something like this.