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JPList is deprecated and been abandoned, is there any alternative?

Implement JPList on OpenContent for sorting and filtering is a really nice to have. But when we're facing issue and try to figure solve it, the website is no longer available, and have difficulty for fixing it since it lack documentation. https://github.com/1rosehip/jplist it's been deprecated. While https://github.com/1rosehip/jplist-es is a new one, this repo seems been abandoned by the creator. There's couple of question with no reply. Is there any other alternative for it?

Use select2 to query data from a dropdown list

For some reason we cannot seem to get the select2 data out of another open content module. This is the options json. { "fields": { "items": { "fields": { "location": { "type": "string" } } } } } And this is the schema.json { "type": "object", "properties": { "Locations":{ "type": "array", "items": { "location": { "type": "text" } } } } } we are trying to extract a list of locations from this array using: "Locations": { "type": "select2", "dataService": { "data": { "moduleId": "3833", "tabId": "76", "valuefield": "Id", "textfield": "Location", }, "action":"Lookup" }

Edit options stopped working for NonEnglish language

Hi There On my production server when I try to edit content for non-english language it opens edit dialog with no content and throws dialog with msg "Uh-oh, something broke: Internal Server Error". This is happening all across my production site. Please help me. Thanks, Anil

Collect data from other OC module

In your manifest example I noticed the use of an extra additionalData item called Customers. In my case I also need to connect to an other OC module. Before, I used options.json for this, but the downside is that form builder cannot be used anymore, so I was happy to see this. However, when I tried to use it like this, the data is not being collected in the edit of the article... I used it exactly like Category is used. Is this working? ```my AdditionalData manifest.json "additionalData": { "Exposities": { "title": "Exposities", "dataModuleId": 1729, "dataTabId": 751 } } ``` ```the field in options.json "Expositie": { "type": "select2", "dataService": { "action": "LookupData", "data": { "dataKey": "Exposities", "valueField": "Id", "textField": "Title" } } } ```

Error on DNN9

Hi, After I install the OpenContent 03.05.00 and added the module on one of the pages. I get this situation: Based On Template From - Web (openextensions.net) Selected , Site is disable. Template - The DropDownList is empty. Where I type some text in "New Template Name" and press on Save. I Get this Error An error has occurred. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Satrabel.OpenContent.Components.Manifest.ManifestUtils.DataNeeded(TemplateManifest template) at Satrabel.OpenContent.TemplateInit.bSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Do you have a solution idea? Thanks

Cannot add class to link

How can I add a class to a hyperlink?

Checkbox default set to checked

I'd like to use a checkox, "type": "checkbox", and have the default value to be checked. How could I do that?

Crop ratio

Hi, Is there a way I can crop an image using the imagex field and keep the ratio of every image I crop? It looks like I must choose an image size... I tried adding the old "aspectRatio": 1, but that doesn't do anything anymore... I'm actually just looking for a way to reduce file size...

Get data from external select2 field

Hi, I'd like to call all the options from an external select2 field. {{#each Options.fields.RelatedProductGroup}}<div>{{Title}}</div>{{/each}} returns the right amount of divs, but I cannot get the related Title field...

Related articles

Hi there, Is there a way to have, in a OpenContent module using the Articles template, a detail page of an article including a list of related articles? The relation should be formed through a corresponding AdditionalData field, like Tags. This is a functionality I have been missing for a while now. I know I can have the admin do this manually, via a field in the article edit, but I am looking for automation... Maybe there are workarounds? Keston