Where to enter Google Maps API Key?
It probably is documented somewhere, but I'm not finding any doc for the Maps module. Specifically I'm not sure where to enter my Maps API key, and if there's anything else that needs be done. I don't see a place to enter this in the Template Settings dialog either.
Customizing CKEditor, json...isn't
I'm trying to customize my CKEditor, and it shows how to customize here: https://opencontent.readme.io/docs/field-types#section-rich-text-with-ckeditor
Lucene.net issue prevents adding or editing content
JPList filter by Date picker input
We use Web Api to load data, where it have StartDate & EndDate field.
By default it load all data, and allowing users to filter by StartDate & EndDate.
Handlebar helper in detail view?
I added a Handlebar helper:
Use select2 to query data from a dropdown list
For some reason we cannot seem to get the select2 data out of another open content module.
Handlebar helper Truncate Text?
Has anyone succeeded in using an handlebar helper that converts a full html description into a truncated plain text description?
JPList is deprecated and been abandoned, is there any alternative?
Implement JPList on OpenContent for sorting and filtering is a really nice to have.
But when we're facing issue and try to figure solve it, the website is no longer available, and have difficulty for fixing it since it lack documentation.
How to configure the RSS.hbs
I've a variant on the article template and tried to generate the built-in RSS feed. However, it seems that the URL's will not show up in the RSS. It looks like the {{Content.DetailUrl}} and {{Context.MainUrl}} are unknown.
OpenContent and DNN Site Export/Import