Getting json from another OC module to display in template
We are currently using a Select2 in "OC module A" to get data from "OC module B" (which is a list of items on another tab) and store the id.
Clarity on fetching data from other OC Modules
I have a hidden page called Management and have an OC module (multi items) with a list of client names with some basic attributes. My data looks something like this.
Is there a way to remove the "id" from Context.DetailUrl?
I'm using razor templates for a multi items module and everything works great, but the DetailUrl looks like mysite.com/blog/id/8/my-article-slug. Is there an easy way to turn this into mysite.com/blog/my-article-slug ?
Adding head values to items of multi-item template
I want to be able to have some of my article data be visible in head values, like ogg meta tags. Is there a way to add these meta tags (server side)? For example, in Ventrian News Articles there's a template where you can add meta data, using tokens to fill in the values.
CKeditor - Enhanced Image Plugin
Field values from other module (SQL table)
Is it possible to use a Relation type field and call an other database table. Would be great to be able to point to product data from a webstore module...
Import data
I would like to import article data, is there a way to import?
Copied site using site template, now wrong urls. Where are they stored?
I made a copy of a site, then created a new site on same server and all worked fine. I then deleted old site and found that OpenContent was referring to files in old site. Looked in all settings and even in the database to find URL references, but could not find them. How can I change the URLs it is looking for. Here's the error:
[code]Could not find a part of the path 'e:\web\public_html\Inoui\wwwroot\Portals\1\OpenContent\Templates\Bootstrap3Accordion\template.hbs'.[/code]
GetTemplate API Returns HTTP 404 Error
Why might this error be occurring? It's DNN Platform 9.4.4 and Open Content 4.3.0 (brand new install).
Handlebar helper Truncate Text?
Has anyone succeeded in using an handlebar helper that converts a full html description into a truncated plain text description?