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JPList filter by Date picker input

Hi, We use Web Api to load data, where it have StartDate & EndDate field. By default it load all data, and allowing users to filter by StartDate & EndDate. We've been struggle on how to use the Input filter for Date. Have tried couple thing, also tried to use jQuery-UI Date picker, but it's still not working: ``` <input data-path=".StartDate" type="date" value="" data-datepicker-func="datepicker" data-datetime-format="{month}-{day}-{year}" data-control-type="date-picker-filter" data-control-name="StartDate" data-control-action="filter" /> ``` Is there a sample of how to Filter by date?

Download link for Client Side Catalog Template? to load 10k data

Hello, We currently have 10k data that we're importing from Ventrian Property-Agent module into open content. Copying it into RawData is fine, but when it load the page, it throw error "Too much data to deserialize. Please use a client side template to circumvent that." Update the limit of jsonSerialization maxJsonLength didn't solve it, so we're thinking to implement Client Side load, but no sample template we can find for reference. But I see that this page is implement Client side rendering with 10k data: Wonder where we can grab the template for this sample page?

JPList is deprecated and been abandoned, is there any alternative?

Implement JPList on OpenContent for sorting and filtering is a really nice to have. But when we're facing issue and try to figure solve it, the website is no longer available, and have difficulty for fixing it since it lack documentation. it's been deprecated. While is a new one, this repo seems been abandoned by the creator. There's couple of question with no reply. Is there any other alternative for it?

Related articles

Hi there, Is there a way to have, in a OpenContent module using the Articles template, a detail page of an article including a list of related articles? The relation should be formed through a corresponding AdditionalData field, like Tags. This is a functionality I have been missing for a while now. I know I can have the admin do this manually, via a field in the article edit, but I am looking for automation... Maybe there are workarounds? Keston

Crop ratio

Hi, Is there a way I can crop an image using the imagex field and keep the ratio of every image I crop? It looks like I must choose an image size... I tried adding the old "aspectRatio": 1, but that doesn't do anything anymore... I'm actually just looking for a way to reduce file size...

Cannot add class to link

How can I add a class to a hyperlink?

Calling label from dropdown

Is there a way to call the label (and not the value) of a dropdown option? Something like {{field:label}}?

ckeditor issues

Hi, Because of wcag-related issues, we regularly need to modify the way the ck-editor is used. In the Text/HTML modules the portal settings for the editor are used. We use this in combination with an extra config file. Even though you can choose the three types of editor settings (simple, standard, full) in Form Builder in the OpenContent module, I still need to configure these paths manually in options.json. I hope there will be an easier way to do this in the future... The current way is very vulnerable to be overwritten by an administrator that is not always aware of his or her actions... Tnx, Keston

Character limit when inputting text

Get this question more then once: is it possible to limit the amount of characters of a text area field when administrating a OC module? Of course I can use the truncateWords functionality in the template but the editors of the module (not always admins) must be made aware of their actions on the back-end... I'm curious how this is done before. What are the options?

How to Filter Each Array

How would I only show content that matches a specific setting? For example, in an {{#each Person}} I would like to only include Person with a specific matching attribute, such as Person.Department = DepartmentName.