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Display localized optionValues instead of enum in Handlebars

Sorry for being a bit tiresome atm (I am trying to learn...), but here is my next question:

(Static) Localization in {{#each Items}} loop not working

I want to display a category in each item, here is the code (template.hbs):

Using localization in jQuery functions

is it possible to use localization in jQuery functions?

Use select2 to query data from a dropdown list

For some reason we cannot seem to get the select2 data out of another open content module.

Collect data from other OC module

In your manifest example I noticed the use of an extra additionalData item called Customers. In my case I also need to connect to an other OC module. Before, I used options.json for this, but the downside is that form builder cannot be used anymore, so I was happy to see this.

JPList filter by Date picker input

We use Web Api to load data, where it have StartDate & EndDate field.
By default it load all data, and allowing users to filter by StartDate & EndDate.


Comparing enum value to optionLabels value in order to write correct optionLabels in template

I have a simple template with in the options a dropdown field (called Soort) with enum pdf, word, excel, powerpoint, image and archive. It has the optionLabels Pdf, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Afbeelding and Zip-bestand.

Download link for Client Side Catalog Template? to load 10k data


JPList is deprecated and been abandoned, is there any alternative?

Implement JPList on OpenContent for sorting and filtering is a really nice to have.
But when we're facing issue and try to figure solve it, the website is no longer available, and have difficulty for fixing it since it lack documentation.


Display multi-item detail on separate page

When a multi item open content is created, the detail URL of the page exists within {Context.DetailUrl}. However, when using the context link, the detail page will show on the same page with modules above it. How can use the {Content.DetailUrl} handlebars helper as a link to open the details of the template in a new page, void of other content?