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Open Content Modules Disappearing

Hi, has anyone encountered an issue where the open content module doesn't load on the page? We're receiving an issue where the content doesn't load, but if you refresh the page it'll load. In the first image you can see that the content on the page hasn't loaded and in the second image is the content that is supposed to appear when the page loads.

The error in the console when the content doesn't load is:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'domain')
at jplist.core.min.js?cdv=586:59:610
at Object. (jplist.core.min.js?cdv=586:82:1253)
at c (jquery.js?cdv=586:2:25304)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?cdv=586:2:26053)
at l (jquery.js?cdv=586:2:77782)
at XMLHttpRequest. (jquery.js?cdv=586:2:80265)

Any help would be appreciated.


You might be running the script to soon. Does it run on onload of the page or an element?

It runs on page load. It started when we started encountering issues while trying to open up the settings. The way we have to open settings on our modules is we need to right click the settings option and copy the link, paste it into the browser, and delete some extra text and then it'll open the settings in a new window


OK but that sounds like you have another issue too.
That might interfere with Open Content, opening settings that way is not "normal"

Have you ever heard of anyone having issues like that before while opening the settings?


Actually no. This sounds like a Javascript error on the page.
Did you try switching off popups in the Site Settings?

Hi Timo, yes we've tried switching the popups off in the site settings. Do you think there could've been a failed upgrade or something similar to this? Do you have any options of ruling this option out?
