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Open Content Module Does Not Always Display on Page

Hi, We use the open content module pretty much on all of our pages but recently this year we have had an issue with the module loading on the page. Sometimes it shows and sometimes it does not. Sometimes a page refresh will display the content but not all the time. What could be causing the issue and what can we do to fix it? Thanks!


Are there any Javascript errors on the page?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'domain')
at jplist.core.min.js?cdv=583:59:610
at Object. (jplist.core.min.js?cdv=583:82:1253)
at c (jquery.js?cdv=583:2:25304)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?cdv=583:2:26053)
at l (jquery.js?cdv=583:2:77782)
at XMLHttpRequest. (jquery.js?cdv=583:2:80265)

This is the error in the console that we receive.


Hmm, I have never seen that error before. Has anything changed in you configuration?

we don't recall any changes in our configuration

Hi Timo,

Is there any information we could send you to further assist us?

Kind regards,


Can you send me a link to a page? If you don't want to do that in public please message me via my profile on


Also what version of OC are you using?

Hi Timo,

Here is a page with the open content module on it: As you will see the "Explore Other Courts & Public Safety Offerings" section will be an empty grey container until you refresh the page. When it's empty you'll be able to see the error that I provided in the console, but if it's not empty then you won't see the error. Here are a couple of pages that have the open content module on it:

our production site is on 4.6.3 and our test site is on 5.1.1. The issue is occurring on both sites.

Kind regards,



Hmm, that block always seem to work for me.
It also does not seem to use jPlist does it?

Is this a client side or a server side template?
BTW, I see another error in the console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: _satellite is not defined

Hi Timo,

The ReferenceError _satellite is a known issue and doesn't pertain to this issue. It was there while it was working and is caused by something else. You may be seeing the module load because we have multiple servers and sometimes it only loads on one server and not the other server. Currently my manager is seeing the content load on server 2 and I'm unable to see the content load on server 1. We've noticed that this isn't predictable though and isn't consistently working on one server and not the other server.

We have jPlist files in our server, so I'd assume it uses it. We are able to locate the file that pertains to the console error.

This is a server side template.

Kind regards,


If it's a server side template and that Template does not use jPlist, I don't think that's the issue.
I have not used OC on Multiple servers before, but it might have something to do with the internal Open Content Lucene index?

I'm not sure though.

I'm not sure what the Lucene index is, but do you have any ideas on where we should start troubleshooting or can I send you any other information?
