How to configure the RSS.hbs
about 7 years ago by Robert-Jan Kuyper
I've a variant on the article template and tried to generate the built-in RSS feed. However, it seems that the URL's will not show up in the RSS. It looks like the {{Content.DetailUrl}} and {{Context.MainUrl}} are unknown.
The rss.hbs looks like:
Copyburo {{Context.MainUrl}} RSS feed 60 {{#each Items}} {{Title}} {{Context.DetailUrl}}The output looks like this:
Copyburo RSS feed 60 5 things I love about Holland as a South African
I recently moved from South Africa to the Netherlands and it has been quite a journey. bla bla bla bla.
Wed, 20 Dec 2017 23:00:00 GMTHow do I configure the rss.hbs so both Context.MainUrl link and content.DetailUrl will show up?