These docs are for v3.1. Click to read the latest docs for v5.0.

OpenContent 3.5

Save as Xml

You can now optionally save the data as Xml (in addition to json) in a separate column of the SQL table.
This can be activated from the global settings and give you the possibility to query by sql data of opencontent and integrate it in SearchBoost for exemple.


Save as Xml

Ordering items of multiple items templates

You can now adapt ypur template to add drag and drop ordering.
More info :


Drag and drop sorting

Email notifications on add, update and delete

Notify some users by email when some items changes



  • added: Possibility to save a copy of the data as Xml
  • added: webapi for using drag and drop for ordering items
  • added: multi language summernote field
  • added: indexable field selection in formbuilder
  • added: email notifications on add, update and delete
  • added: file indexer provider (for search in file content)
  • added: Embeded forms : make the email adresses, and names templatable with access to oc Item
  • added: Email settings : add CC and Bcc
  • improved: better backward compatibility for cachbuster on file and image fields
  • improved: Concider time in filter settings for date time fields
  • improved: bootdtrap on additional data edit form
  • fixed: view.json not used by the editor