OpenContent version 3.2
Enbeded form in templates
You can now add a form related to a item for implementing a contact, register or order form.
Detail page exemple
Contact form exemple
Demo :
Multi columns form builder
You can now layout your Edit forms in 1, 2 or 3 columns
Global Google Api key for Address field and maps
For using google api on new domains google requires a api key.
You can now enter this api key in the global settings.
This key is used by the Address field for the search field and the geolocalization.
This api key is also available the template Context variable (Context.GoogleApiKey).
Global Settings
Handlebars performance
We discover that with medium and large data Serverside Handlebars became slow. And Razor templates stay very fast.
We discover that it is related to the way we pass data to Handlebars templates (as dynamic objects).
In this new version you can activate in the global settings a faster way to pass data to Handlebars templates (as Dictionaries). But this bring a change in the way variables are traited in the template, they became case sensitive. That's the raison why we don't activate it by default.
- added: Embeded forms in templates
- added: Summernote Html Field
- added: Global Google Api key for Address field and maps
- added: HomeDirectory and HTTPAlias in Context
- added: enhancement of model with dnn user
- added: new handlebars template : convertToJson
- added: multi collections in one template folder
- added: RestApi v2 for collections
- added: Save and close in Edit raw data
- added: manage templates without schema / options (no data)
- added: file caching for openurlrewriter
- improved: Multi columns Form builder
- improved: DNN search results
- improved: Handlebars performance
- improved: Template parameter to skinobject
- improved: autocomplete in file2 field
- improved: File2 with File upload and url upload
- improved: simplyfy json for multi language lookup
- fixed: avoid page refresh when save initial settings
- fixed: helpers in partial templates
- fixed: color field
- fixed: center in wysihtml
- fixed: number fields in the formbuilder
- added: