OpenContent 4.2

New faster module Initialization screen


Everthing javascript and webapi based.

One click template activation

Possibility to define default settings and default data for each template by "Save a default" in "Edit Raw data".

And when defined, just by selecting a template the full functional template is rendered.

All standard templates are updated with default settings and data.

Images in CKEditor fields

Possibility to add images to CKEditor fields in configset full (or custom with easyimage plugin).
This use a easy image plugin that directelly upload image from your computer (image toolbutton or drag and drop).


There is now also the possibility to define the configset of CKEditor fields in theform builder.


New Handlebars "raw" helper

Everthing in "raw" block is not handled by handlebars.


Automatic "Client Resource Management" version increment

After saving a css or js file in the Template Editor the "Client Resource Management" version number is automatically incremented.
This to ensure the browser pickup the latest version.


  • improved: Add PortalName in template Context
  • improved: Update to version 1.10.1
  • improved: Update momentjs library
  • improved: Removed out of date standard templates (fraction slider, bootstrap 2 templates)
  • improved: Add localisation resources for missings keys in switch template.
  • fixed: Update FontIconPicker witch fix issue when popups are disabled
  • fixed: Fix for related fields
  • fixed: Fix page refresh after modify template settings.
  • fixed: fix with browwser console logs when script tags in content